La petite robe bleu

Mixed Media piece, part of triptych

Mixed Media painting - dress


Glendon Art Gallery Competition — 2nd Place

This mixed media piece is part of a triptych. It was created with blueberry pie filling
and wall paint on paper. Children love to play, they don’t mind if they get messy.
This is a painting of a child’s dress. Accordingly, after experimenting with a variety
of materials, I settled on this medium. The wall painted was dripped onto the paper.

Case Study

Project Overview

This project started with lots of experimentation. The task was to use unconventional means to create artwork in a sketchbook. I used my hands, makeup brushes, squeeze bottles and utensils to create my abstract art. As a medium I tried out anything I could find that would leave a mark – mustard, food colouring, toothpaste, frosting, feathers, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick . . . the list goes on to of course include various kinds of pie filling!


The experimental theme continued in my main works. I developed a triptych. Each piece had a unique twist. The common theme being a child’s dress -created by standing over my paper that lay on the floor and dripping wall paint onto it in an effort to capture the essence of the dress. 

This piece that won second place was strictly blueberry pie filling and wall paint. The filling was laid onto the paper with smooth strokes of a palette knife. 

