Alchemy Mixology

Emily Allen, Annie Hua, Eden Kraitberg, Anahita Rafieian, Julianna Velocci

My role in the video:

  • Music
  • Background smoke 
  • Final scene (0:37-0:42)
  • Glow effect on the line


      *Music and background smoke, royalty free




Develop a subscription box from conception through to execution with a team of 5. 


To create a subscription box that is unique and therefore stands out in the heavily populated market. 

We determined this would be a sophisticated and elegant cocktail kit with a twist. 


Each stage and step of the creation of this product and marketing campaign was explored by each group member. We then looked at everyone’s concepts and chose which we would use.  Often we combined various ideas and approaches. A lot of my work can be seen in the Infograph (also ultimately a combination of all of our efforts). 


My Role: I created the herb bottle mockups, sections of the infograph including the descriptions and illustrations of the various herbs, parts of the video as described above, the kiosks for the launch event as well as a map of the launch event planning out the space and activities. 


Emily Allen & Anahita Rafieian

My role: 

  • Design of the pages
  • Descriptions on each page
  • Images (“Brand Personality” & “Who We Are” and “What We Do” sections)
  • Print media mockups
  • Merchandise – aprons
  • Kiosks – extra touchpoints, used for the launch event
     *The images, found on royalty free sources, were Photoshopped to alter the colour for its blue appearance and continuity


Elements of my campaign pitch were reflected in the campaign we ultimately chose to pursue. Here is a look at my launch campaign concept.